Sump Capacities for Ford 2700 2720 Engines
Posted: 16 January 2023
If you notice your engine emitting blue smoke from the exhaust it could just
be a sign your are overfilling the sump for your particular engine configuration.
Keeping oil topped up to the dipstick maximum may be causing excessive oil
splash from the back of the Conrods which then results in higher oil consumption and worrying exhaust blue
Ford 2700 series (Dorset) and 2720 (Dover) sump capacity vary depending on
the engine age, specification, possible sump modifications and engine fore/aft
inclination angle. The Ford workshop manual will provide oil fill guidance.
The reason for blue smoke particularly for marine is linked to the oil level
at the rear of the engine being high relative to the crankshaft centreline and in
particular the big-ends whipping through the oil. This causes excessive oil
splash and for the oil to be dragged across the sump in the crankshaft
direction of rotation. The end result is excessive oil splash onto the cylinder
bores so much so the ring pack is unable to cope and scrape the oil away
sufficiently. This oil then remains on the bores where upon some of the oil
gets partially burnt and some just passes into the exhaust stream resulting in
a blue / grey smoke emission.
In addition to oil smoke out the exhaust you may also notice the bilge
getting dirty and contaminated with a slight oil film. This will be to the oil
leaking through the rear crankshaft seal. The crank seal can either be a two
part rope construction or a lip seal. The engine installation for marine
applications particularly shaft is inclined more than if it were installed in a
truck. Furthermore, if the vessel is semi or full planning the engine will be
further inclined. This resulting in oil leaking through the rear main oil seal
and then finding its way into the bilge.
How do we fix this: Fill with the correct oil fill against the
information from the Ford data books and then calibrate your dipstick to the level then found. Do not rely on the standard dip-stick marks for reasons given
4 Cylinder | 9.1 ltr | All sumps |
6 Cylinder | 13.6 ltr | Front, shallow or rear well sump |
250HP 2704ETI Turbo+ require more oil, depending
on the oil system the mariniSer has used, so check their data sheet |
| | |
FORD 2720
4 Cylinder | 9.1 ltr | All sumps |
6 Cylinder | 17.2 ltr | Front, shallow or rear well with central oil pump |
6 Cylinder | 19.2 ltr | All engines with front oil pump, including 2728TIM turbo
intercooled and all Otosan based engines. |
| | |
High-inclination sumps (not usually seen on marine engines) differ
Dipstick Adjustment: High-inclination sumps (not usually seen on marine engines) differ.
With the boat normally loaded and at rest, fire the engine up for a
couple of mins to fill all the oil passages, stop it and wait a couple
of minutes to allow excess oil to drain down from the head. Check the
level on the dipstick and if it appears too low, shorten the dipstick
tube so the full mark on the stick coincides with the actual oil level
now found. Do not add more oil to bring the level up to the original marks.
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